Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More pictures

This is the play I directed "The Parable of the Ten Virgins" Im on the far left it was a GREAT experience!!Little Landon right before he sang he was so so gooood!!!

This was just the other day she is getting SO SOOO big!!!
MeMaw at Christmas with her boys MOVIE NIGHT!!

So this picture cracks me up because EVERY person on that trail in Yellowstone gave Jesse SUCH a hard time that I was the one dragging all 4 kids through.... but he had just got his new bike and was doing tricks and jumping off stuff it was a great day..... well all except almost running into a buffalo that was scary she had a new baby and was NONE to happy to see us!


Tenise said...

Those are some HOT virgins! haha. Landon is so cute in his little hat! The bike picture is really funny. Make the mom do all the work... lol.

Lisa and Rustin said...

Like I said...pullin all four kiddos! You are super mom!!