Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So we are all doing GREAT it is so nice to have our sweet Riya home and she is doing SOOOO well and gaining weight she is still just under 5 pds and doing very well! As for Jesse and I well..... ok so 4 kids in 6 years just a word to the wise out there its a lil fast to be having kiddies especially when the husband is away all day at school and studying all night for school I am TIRED but happy my family is together! Jesse is still an incredible help to me if its just to much he steps right in the count down for Annika to arrive has officially begun I am SO excited to have her here especially to have an extra pair of arms!!!! other then that all is well at the Mumm household Jesse has gotten caught back up with classes and we are trying to fall into a routine again! We love you all and appreciate the thoughts and prayers once again!

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